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Showing posts from July, 2015

Kahlan Turns Two!

Our little girl is growing up! We celebrated Kahlan's 2nd birthday today. She had a fun party with many of her cousins who gave us a good CHEESE!

Our Little Helper

Kahlan has become our little helper. She likes to help fold cloths, vacuum, garden and do dishes. We picked some peas from the garden this week and she helped de-pod the peas. She's going to be asking for an allowance pretty soon I'm sure. :)

Angry Birds

We had a couple of mud swallows move into our carport this summer. 5 little heads popped up last month and gave us angry looks for a couple of weeks. The parents threatened us for a while whenever we came outside but decided we weren't enemies once we rescued one of the babies when it fell out of the nest.

Biking in July

It was a relatively cool Saturday for July here so we went for another bike ride on the legacy trail. There were surprisingly few people on the trail and we had a good ride pulling Kahlan along. Here are some recent pics...