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Showing posts from December, 2017

Merry Christmas Everyone!

The girls are excited for Christmas day. We've had a fun year living in our little house in Bountiful Utah. We've gone on many outings with the kids in the area including the zoo. We also traveled to Moab once and California three times! We feel very blessed to be having a new baby boy join the family in April!  Kahlan was excited to see Santa. Juniper was like 'who's this guy?'. Sarah and I have been taking guitar lessons this year. I wouldn't call us pros yet but we keep working at it. Here is a clip from our family Christmas concert. I've enjoyed watching several short videos on YouTube this year made by the Bible Project . Here's one that tells the story of Christmas. Bonus Video !

California Turkeys

Our trip to California this Thanksgiving was splendid! The girls had a great time and were sad to leave. We spent 2 nights in Santa Cruz in a 6-room house. It was fun to hang out and play some games together. We had a walk and picnic at the Wilder Ranch state park. We saw some farm animals and the girls got to make giant bubbles.  We also visited the Natural Bridges beach.  Kahlan braved the waves.  Juniper just wanted to run on the sand and chase seagulls. It was especially neat to see the monarch butterflies on their migration stop. On our last day at Santa Cruz we were able to spot several spouting whales off shore. We enjoyed a lot of turkey in Turlock (and yes we did play a lot of Splendor). The kids had fun playing outside in the warm weather. Juniper spent most of her time tormenting the family cats. The girls got to ride the carousel and see some Christmas lights. Juniper wasn't sure about it the first time around but was re...