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Showing posts from July, 2019

The Big 6!

Kahlan is six today! It's hard to believe she's going into the 1st grade next month! We had a fun little party for her yesterday with her cousins. We opened presents and had cake at our house. Then we went bowling and played 2 rounds. Kahlan and Juniper both did really good. Kahlan requested strawberry cake with green frosting and sprinkles. Click for Pics Kahlan has been doing a lot this year. She practices every day on the piano and has made great progress. She had swim lessons earlier in the year and played on a soccer team in the Spring. Kahlan is an excellent bike rider and has seriously awesome dance moves. She's a tireless and creative artist! She colors, draws, paints, makes jewelry and crafts. She also builds with legos and in Minecraft. She's a great big sister, has tons of energy and we love being a part of her life. Kahlan at the piano

4th of July and Things

We had a nice 4th of July together with the kids this year. The weather was relatively cool. Our tradition has been to watch the Centerville parade because we can walk there from our house. It's pretty short, less than an hour and pretty simple. The girls have fun collecting candy which is mostly salt water taffy. We spent some time in the backyard with the new slip n' slide. I discovered how to take slow motion video with my phone so I got some fun shots. The kids had a blast. Then we had a picnic and relaxed most of the rest of the day. It started to rain in the evening so we didn't watch fireworks.   But Sarah and I did start season 3! :) More Photos

Musser Days 2019

Last week was the annual Musser Family Summer Activities week. Since Jared, Michelle and Samuel were visiting there were a lot of activities planned. There was a day of waterslides at Cherry Hill in Farmington. The girls and Paul loved the water park. Juniper was all over the small slides and went on them in a continuous loop until we dragged her away. We all played a round of miniature golf while Paul slept in the stroller. There was even a talent show one evening. Just about everyone participated. Sarah and I performed a Beatles tune. I think it inspired us to practice more for next year! Paul started walking on his own and performed his talents in front of everyone! He likes to do a sideways surf still but is getting the hang of it. Click for Album