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Joys of Record Collecting

You wouldn't think there would be a reason to start collecting records.  After all, people are already starting to abandon their CD's.  Music collections should reside on your iPod and in the cloud, right?  Well yes, BUT there are some surprising joys in collecting records as Sarah and I have discovered.

Connection to the Past
My sisters and I spent a lot of time when we were kids listening to old records at my grandmother's house. Playing records brings back memories and feelings from those times.  Most of the records we have once belonged to someone else.  Several are from Sarah's dad. It's an interesting feeling to play records that you know others played and enjoyed many times in years past.

The Aesthetic Appeal
The occasional pops and skips during playback give surprising warmth to the music.  Some artists today even attempt to add that missing warmth by inserting some grit and artificial pops.

Discovery and New Horizons
One of the biggest pleasures has been discovering new music of all types. We seem to pick up some random albums. Sometimes they are duds but more often than not we find some real gems from the past - groups and genres we had never even tried to appreciate before.  This has included music from the 40's to the 80's.

Excitement in the Search
It's thrilling to jump in the car and go check out the music someone is selling. You never know what to expect and it can be surprising what you may find and for how cheap!  You also may meet some interesting characters.

The Intimate Experience
Records take more care and effort to enjoy.  You have to pick out a single album, remove it from its sleeve, gently place it on the player, turn it over to the other side and return it to its sleeve. Before we play any used record for the first time, we wash it with soap and water and put it in a clean sleeve. This seems like a lot of work but Sarah and I have fun doing it together. This extra work has helped us to know and appreciate our albums in a new way.

Most of all, it's been a fun activity for us to enjoy together in the house. We listen to music together more often at dinner, while doing the dishes, or when relaxing in the living room while we read.

Merry Christmas Everyone!
