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Showing posts from August, 2016

Happy Canners

It was a week packed with food preserving. Our garden has been in full swing with peppers, peaches, apples, cucumbers, beans and tomatoes. We made peach jam for the first time and it came out really sweet. We also made our first apple pie from our little apple tree! Saturday's product In one week we did:  7 batches of peach jam,  2 batches of jalapeno peach jam,  1 batch of lime pickles,  1 batch of pickled peppers,  a double batch of tomato sauce with meatballs, and 1 apple pie Of course we had little helpers ;)

Juniper At 2 Months

Juniper is 2 months old now and steadily getting chunkier, which is great. Thank goodness she's starting to sleep more at night! She has more of a routine now and seems to like us. Sometimes she even coos, smiles and politely says 'feed me'. She enjoys baths, drinking milk and sleeping. She's really cute and we like having her around.

Juniper Gets Blessed

We had a baby blessing on July 31st for Juniper Sarah McAlister. She got to wear the same dress Sarah and Kahlan were blessed in. Juniper screamed through the whole blessing but she still got it. It was fun having lots of visitors that week! The little angel Kahlan plays ball A smile for Grandma Mimi