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Kahlan Turns 7

Kahlan turned 7 on Tuesday this week! We had another picnic party under the pear tree. She received books, dolls, sunglasses, clothes, bubbles and art supplies for presents. She also got some badly needed new shoes. We had cupcakes and ice cream, corn dogs and hamburgers.
We love Kahlan! It's hard to believe our little girl is growing up so fast! Kahlan will enter the 2nd grade next month. She will be taking online classes for the Fall quarter. Kahlan is so creative and energetic! She makes great art and origami and has made tremendous progress on the piano. She's a wonderful big sister and helper. She's good at making up games and songs and activities. She wants to be a teacher and often makes lessons and teaches an imaginary class. She can build incredible worlds in MindCraft and Roller Coaster Tycoon. Kahlan is an excellent reader and bike rider too. 
