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Merry Christmas 2020


We'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We are disappointed that we won't be able to see everyone this year in person. It's been a good year in many ways despite the pandemic. We lost some vacations but we gained a pretty Penny! We found new ways to exercise, do school and visit remotely. We adopted some house plants and finally got a cat! Thankfully my job situation has been pretty stable and wasn't impacted by the pandemic too much. 
Penny started crawling just two weeks ago but already wants to stand up next to everything and help with the dishes. She is already very speedy when she wants something and terrorizes poor Paul's block creations. She's like Godzilla to his tall towers. She's also still obsessed with the cat and laughs whenever she see's it. BTW, she has the cutest laugh!  
When asked what he wants for Christmas Paul always replies that he wants a yellow present, and maybe a green or red one too. What's inside doesn't seem to matter so much :). Paul insists on choosing his outfits every day. Unfortunately it's a lengthy process. He always wears his Yoda socks to bed. He can spell Y-O-D-A yoda. He can say most words pretty well, knows his alphabet, and can count to about 30. Downstairs is still 'dow-dow-doo'. He loves Bubble Guppies and Daniel Tiger.
For a while Juniper always asked for a turkey sandwich without turkey. Now she has pretty much accepted the fact that it's just a pickle sandwich. Juniper keeps track of Penny's crawling progress and reports on everywhere she explores in the house. Juni is able to play the VR now and is getting pretty good at Beat Saber. She's a master at games and can beat us all at Dominion, Trouble, Monopoly Deal and Cover Your Assets.
Kahlan bought herself a crafting book with her allowance money. She also saved some money and bought some crafting supplies so she's been really into making cool little crafts from recycling, buttons, pipe cleaners, pom poms and gems. Kahlan can play all the songs in her Christmas piano book. 

On Christmas Eve we had a glorious table of snacks for lunch. We got out the VR and green screen for some more mixed reality and Beat Saber. We hope everyone has a great Christmas! Looking forward to 2021!
