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A Warm Winter


It's been hard to call this much of a winter. The weather was relatively warm for January and February until this last week. We've gotten very little snow. I had an enjoyable birthday last month. We've made several pies this year for some reason. Cottage cheese, butterscotch, pumpkin and cherry so far.

Besides pies, it's been a winter of cleaning. Each Saturday we've had a different room or area to deep clean. Last week was the bathrooms. This week it's the family room. It's been really beneficial to go through all our stuff, take inventory and purge a lot of old useless stuff. I think it's also inspired us to make little improvements in all the areas too. Kudos to Sarah for leading the charge.
Penny has stepped up her game this year. She's still a rug rat but she's on her feet a lot of the time and practices taking steps on her own. She does a funny forward scoot besides crawling that gets her around surprisingly fast. She still terrorizes Paul and loves to take his toys and especially steal his ball dragon stuffy (he hates it when she eats it).
The girls have been doing a lot of crafting. They all have their own craft supplies including gems, pipe cleaners, buttons and sticks. Kahlan and Juniper practice typing every day doing Mickey's Typing Adventure. They both know all the letters and are getting quicker.
Paul is just busy being Paul. He is very particular about picking out his clothes each morning. He's the slowest eater at the moment but also often eats the most, sometimes 8 or 9 fishsticks in a sitting. We think he's going to be a big boy. He recognizes all the letters in the alphabet. His favorite color is yellow. It favorite number is zero.
We were very saddened this month by the sudden passing of my Aunt Marra Hyde.  She introduced me to many of my now favorite places in Utah when I was a teenager. She was always a great support to me here in Utah and took care of me several times after my surgeries. She was also a great family historian and always fun to talk to. We miss you Marra.
