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Merry Christmas 2023


Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year! We are getting ready to head out to California for Christmas and New Years. Santa is coming early to our house today after the kids get out of school so it is an exciting day. Luckily we have connections to Santa to arrange this kind of thing! The kids got to even see Santa at the ward Christmas party. Juni made a special letter and bracelet for him.
Do You Hear What I Hear 2023

Sarah and I finished another Christmas song this year. It's becoming a little tradition now. Hope you enjoy it! Some of our other jams are on our music jams page.

We enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving in Utah with Sarah's family. Congratulations to Dave and Brenda Musser on their senior mission call to Spain! We are excited for them. The kids have all had a dozen colds each since Halloween. Paul had a fun Christmas-Around-The-World kindergarten program yesterday. Hope everyone is well!
